The information in this website is provided by Dodge County for the purpose of assisting
citizens of Dodge County in the preparation of the Nebraska Personal Property Tax Return.
Dodge County strives to keep this information accurate and up to date. However, Dodge
County makes no representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, about the
completeness and accuracy of the information in the website. Any reliance upon such
information is strictly at the risk of the person making such reliance.
In addition, any attempt to use the information in this website, or any other means, to
falsify, or attempt to falsify, the contents of a Nebraska Personal Property Tax Return for the
purpose of evading taxes is illegal and subject to criminal penalties pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. ยง
77-1232. It is also illegal to use the contents of this website to accomplish any other criminal
purpose such as fraud, theft, or deception.